Do the work now for smooth sailing during menopause

Health = Wealth, right?

According to FOX 17 Women’s Health Expert, Dr. Diana Bitner, the adage holds true for planning your future.

Just like early and careful investing opens the doors for a happy retirement, a healthy lifestyle now will set you up for an easier menopause when the time comes.

But financial planning makes you feel like you’re standing on stable ground – health planning feels like being tossed about in the ocean.

Fair point, dear reader. Get a navigator.

While financial planners use fairly easy-to-track landmarks you want to get to, your healthcare provider navigates the tumultuous ocean using lighthouses to warn you of the dangers hidden in the depths ahead.

FOX 17 Women’s Health Tip of the Week
Do the work now so you can enjoy the benefits later!

Fill up on high-fiber fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and plenty of water, then get moving to lower your risk for diabetes, heart disease, obesity, osteoporosis, depression, aches, pains— all the things that send us to the doctor (or hospital!) regularly, sucking up both your quality of life and any savings you had.

The sooner you get your ship in order, the sooner you’ll be in smooth waters.
Know your Home Port – A family history will show where you set sail from and what your ship’s made of
Check the Constellations – Bloodwork and regular physicals will help you chart important indicators like A1C, CRP, lipids, uric acid, body composition, and blood pressure.
Find your heading and adjust your sails – Get working on any problems churning in the above numbers
Communicate with your crew – Alert your navigator of any changes to the wind in your sails

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